Unlocking the potential of independent publishers
What is PINF?
The Public Interest News Foundation is the UK’s first charity to support public interest news – ethical and impartial journalism that informs and empowers the public about the things that matter to all of us.
We believe that everyone in the UK should benefit from public interest news that speaks to them, for them and with them.
We believe that indie news providers with turnover below £2m have a crucial role to play in reaching communities that have been let down by other parts of the media and developing new, ethical models of journalism.
So, our mission is to ensure the social and financial sustainability of indie news providers in communities across the UK.
Our values
We support indie news providers to tell the stories of all the UK’s people, raising awareness of underrepresented issues and creating connections between groups.
Active citizenship
We support indie news providers to lead and amplify civil society campaigns on matters of public interest, and share solutions to problems, empowering people to take action.
Informed citizenry
We support indie news providers to meet people’s critical information needs (emergencies, health, education, transport, the economy, the environment, civic activities and politics) and to share information about topics such as local history, culture and the arts, contributing to people’s lifelong learning.
Responsive governance
We support indie news providers to ensure accountability for central and local government, public bodies, the justice system and other powerful institutions and individuals, to expose wrongdoing, celebrate good governance and ensure that the voices of citizens are heard by decision-makers.
How we work
Our capacity-building programmes help indie news providers become sustainable.
These activities also inform our research, which builds wider understanding of the sector, and enhances…
…our advocacy, which drives support for the sector, and powers our capacity-building programmes, in a virtuous cycle.